The Wizard of Sunspring Marches

Image result for fairy dell capel curig


The Wizard of Sunspring Marches

At dawn every solstice day

Took a windcart over the Glassea

And tied on her Cloak of Fae

Her boots sharpened small and cloven

Pricking the lavender shore

And her eyebrows blossomed bluebells

Like the newborn nymphs of yore

She left her windcart, trailing

Unbound tresses of silver weeds

And she floated up the Hills of Fasting

To the Glade Above the Trees

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Island mountain sea

Image result for ocean at night with stars

Follow me down inside the island

Where the emerald will burst open

Galaxies pulsing unfolding

Setting Earth above a mountain

Trees at the bottom of the sea

Drag me down inside the mountain

Living lightly and rushing loving

Down cave streams to the island

Spinning stars in that rock ceiling

Reflection on a forever sea

Image from gerald flock