
He was drinking as he told me

Never lose sense of belonging

In your own life

I am not sure where it started

But my thoughts became uncharted


He topped up his cup of tea

And asked if I had ever seen


Still Wanting

She told me of the wanting

Running through her veins

That she was always chasing

Yet trying to escape

Whatever was made smaller

Cheaper, better, in grey

She had to have more,

More, more and another

For the days when it might rain

She has but time for work and wanting

Amid the necessities of the day

The food to be got and eaten

The one appointment that cannot wait

She told me that she wondered

If the wanting might go away

If she could be a child

Or at least live that way

It seemed that she remembered

Many far-off days

When she had felt other than wanting

As she wandered and she played

And I wondered, if we were children

Would there be less buying and less waste

Or would there be piles of discarded toys

Instead of shirts and phones and paint

With you

Give me not a hundred kisses but the one

That is nothing I have never breathed before

Ours is the laughter between sheets undone

And made again

Give me not a hundred years but the ones

That I have never lived before, with you

And put off the rise and fall of suns

That go alone

On the sidewalks

Sala disdained those

Who let themselves grow

Lax and full with time

Until she found

A new envy in herself

Of the lightness and quickness

Of those with younger faces

Than her own

She belatedly saw

That they were all falling

And she had merely been falling

Slower than most


Whatever you call it

The city around me

Makes constant noise

Or so I thought

But not everything is noise

The birds, the neighbours

Dissecting gardens

Are not

The children, the dogs

Are sometimes

While the leafblowers


The city around me

Is not loud

It is the engines around me

That make the noise


The moments stolen from metal canopies

Spiderwebbing overhead

They float away on cirrostratus seas

And dissolve in candy-coloured light

No net so fine could be devised

As would catch and hold them back

And yet the stragglers sometimes hide

Soft as feathers, bright as lies

On the undersides of flowers